Words Are Not Enough To Thank Our Troops
by ana warner
(las vegas nv)
Ana writes:
I think of all our troops on a daily basis. When I do, it brings tears to my eyes, sadness to my heart and gladness for what you stand for, the sacrifices you make.
Thank you to all our troops from the bottom of my heart. I pray for your safe return and hope that time there flies by.
I can imagine the bonds you have made and the friendships I know you cherish: well ditto, I cherish you all.
I also was in the military - my father swore me in in '77. Still have memories of basic training.
What I remember most was taking my pillow, I mean I already broke it in. Well, that was a big mistake!
You know, back in the day they could call and treat you any kind of way. Boy, did they make fun of me! "Oh look, the colonel's daughter brought her pillow."
It was stomped on, spit on, I had to take it on a road march along with all the other crap i had to carry. I let them believe I brought it as a joke. I was signal.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you my heartfelt thanks. Please be strong and safe and take care of each other.
a friend for always.
Thank you for writing to express your gratitude to the men and women of our armed forces.
And thank you for your service to our country as well.
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