Emergency Preparedness Supplies
 Do you have sufficient family emergency preparedness supplies on hand to survive a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or earthquake? What should you include in emergency preparedness kits? Emergency Preparedness Supplies/KitsAccording to FEMA, your emergency survival kit should contain whatever you need to survive on your own, without help, for at least three days following a natural disaster or other emergency. In reality, however, you may need to be prepared for much longer than that. For example, after Hurricanes Katrina and Ike, it was weeks before electrical power was restored. So what should your emergency preparedness kits contain? - Water, one gallon per person per day, for a minimum of three days. Remember that in addition to drinking water, you will need clean water for brushing teeth and bathing.
- Non-perishable Food, for at least three days - a week would be better - for each person. Don't forget the can opener.
- Mess kits, paper cups, plates, and plastic utensils, and paper towels.
- Flashlight and extra batteries.
- Candles and strike-anywhere matches in a waterproof container.
- Radio, battery-powered or hand-crank, and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, and extra batteries for both.
- First-aid kit.
- Whistle to signal for help.
- Dust mask for each person, to filter possibly contaminated air, along with plastic sheeting (or tarp) and duct tape to create a shelter if necessary.
- Moist towelettes, toilet paper, garbage bags and plastic ties for sanitation.
- Wrench or pliers, to turn off utilities.
- Local maps.
- Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger.
- Glasses and prescription medications for each person, along with any other necessary medical equipment.
- Infant forumla and diapers, if needed.
- Pet food and extra water for pets.
- Cash or traveler's checks and some change.
- Important family documents - such as copies of insurance policies, identification, bank account records, etc. - in a waterproof, portable container. You can use this Emergency Preparedness Financial First Aid Kit prepared by FEMA and Operation Hope, to help you organize this information.
- Complete change of clothing for each person, including sturdy shoes.
- Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person.
- Feminine supplies and other personal hygiene items.
- Fire extinguisher.
- Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children and to help pass the time.
- Paper or notebook and pens/pencils.
Printable version of the Emergency Preparedness Supplies Checklist.
Emergency Preparedness for Military PersonnelUSAA recommends your disaster/emergency preparations include a few steps to prepare to use your smart phone for emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. Army - Ready Army Navy - Operation Prepare Air Force - Ready Air Force Coast Guard - Ready Coast Guard
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