We Remember!

The proud warriors of Baker Company wanted to do something to pay tribute to our fallen comrades.
So since we are part of the only Marine Infantry Battalion left in Iraq, the one way that we could think of doing that is by taking a picture of Baker Company saying the way we feel.
It would be awesome
if you could find a way to share this
with our fellow countrymen.
I was wondering if there was any way to get this into your papers to let the world know that
and are proud to serve our country."
Semper Fi
1stSgt Dave Jobe
Well, 1st Sgt, we don't have any influence over the newspapers, but we're proud to put your message here. You have our eternal gratitude for your service.
God bless each and every one of you, and all of your families, and bring you home safely.
Semper Fi!
According to Snopes.com, this is a real picture, taken in Iraq on 9 September 2003 by Baker Company, 7th Marines, 1st Battalion, to honor the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S.
According to the Rock Hill, South Carolina, Herald:
"Helmets atop rifles honored the day so many died. Four U.S. Marines in Iraq held Old Glory a few feet off the desert sand. Dozens of others stood around them, spelling out a special message. The unit assembled Tuesday in a formation of husbands and sons and helmets and weapons that spelled out, "9-11: We Remember."
Andrew Schoenmaker, 25, is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and an executive officer of Baker Company, with the 7th Marines, 1st Battalion. Lt. Schoenmaker and his commanding officer bandied about the idea for a picture to send home to the United States signifying that the unit is still in Iraq, but the pose ended up honoring the Sept. 11, 2001, victims.
"It is in remembrance of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, and the reason that no matter how long we are here, we will continue to push and never forget why we serve," Andrew wrote in an e-mail to his father."
Letter to the terrorists from a US Navy pilot.
Never Forget
USS New York (LPD-21), built with scrap steel from the Twin Towers.
We Are the Nation
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