Thanks For Giving Me & My Family a Life to Live!!!

by Janifer
(Radford VA. USA)

Harvey , Janifer , Cousin Brandy and Aidan

Harvey , Janifer , Cousin Brandy and Aidan

To the most highly ordained people in the world who have gave us a place to have our children and raise them without control and fear.

Now you are giving us the opportunity to raise a very special cousin. Who my grandmother by fighting to live gave us the opportunity to know about the unborn life.

He deserves to live his life the same way my grandmother of 92 years did, on America soil safe from all who wish to harm him.

Please know our prayers are with you and your families to continue to trust in the fight for All to have the rights for a free America.

We love you with all our hearts!

The Family of Harvey, Janifer, BJ, Kaila, Brittany, And Most of All Brandy and Aidan Rhodes Lucas

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by: A&M

Family is what America is about!!!!!!!!!!!

We love your support and Thanks for reminding my family there are more people like us!

Love from the Troops!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you
by: Claudia Broome

Your words and your wisdom touched my very core. Thank you and God bless you, your family and all of our troops.

by: Cousin Rhonda

What a great way to thank the troops!! God Bless all of our troops and their families who sacrifice so much for me and mine!!

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