SEAL Prosecution is Ridiculous

by Butch
(Concord, NH)

Butch wrote:

It is pretty ridiculous that charges went up thru the chain of command in the case of the three SEALs who captured this high-value target - who we believe was responsible for the murder and desecration of the Blackwater guards in Fallujah.

I would hope that the deciding official who originally put this complaint to the next level has been removed from the service.


Thank you for your support for the SEAL Trio. We seriously doubt that anyone in the chain of command will face consequences for their role in this, much like the case of Lt. Col. Chessani.

Unfortunately, today's military has been hamstrung by the focus on political correctness. How can you fight a war if you're worried about the possibility of "offending" someone?

We attended a conference yesterday that included a number of inspiring and influential speakers, including former First Lady Laura Bush, former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani, millionaire businessman and publisher Steve Forbes, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and former Secretary of State General Colin Powell, and others.

We're happy to report that almost all the speakers paid tribute to and thanked our armed forces for their contributions in keeping America safe. Before General Powell was introduced, a performer took the stage to sing a stirring rendition of "God Bless America." Gradually, the crowd of about 20,000 rose to its feet and began to sing along. It was a beautiful, heart-felt patriotic moment. When it was over and we had taken our seats, I leaned over and said to my husband, "Now tell me this is not a Christian nation!" Those who believe that are seriously out of touch with reality.

One of the speakers (a wealthy businessman whose name you would not recognize) ended his presentation with something along these lines: "Political correctness will lead to the destruction of this nation." Sadly, we believe he is correct. If the current focus on political correctness above on else does not change, the America we grew up in will cease to exist.

Resolve now to join with other patriotic Americans to ensure that does not happen! The Silent Majority must no longer be content to be silent, and must begin to stand up and speak out!

For more discussion about the dangers of political correctness to this country, see:

A Historical Perspective on the War on Terror

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