Money Management for Kids
Money management for kids – It's a great idea, but how in the world do you get 4 – 12-year-olds interested in a topic that (let’s face it) most adults find boring?
Sammy Rabbit, an adorable bunny in overalls and ballcap, has found the solution. There are many different ways to teach, and Sammy Rabbit has discovered how to teach money management for kids in an engaging way that makes learning about money fun.
With personal appearances, books, CD's, coloring books, stickers and posters, Sammy Rabbit teaches kids about money management while also entertaining them. He teaches them easy-to-remember slogans, like:
From Every Dollar, Save a Dime!
Saving is a Great Habit! (a few more adults need to learn that one!)
Saving helps me make dreams come true!
Sammy Rabbit teaches Money Management for Kids on Military Bases and Posts
Through the Air Force Aid Society’s Sammy Rabbit Financial Education Initiative, Sammy Rabbit and his creator, Sam X Renick and the It's a Habit company, have made appearances at more than 60 air bases around the world, sharing their mixture of entertainment and education with more than 20,000 military children ages 4 – 12.
Sammy Rabbit was such a huge hit among Air Force families that the Department of Defense has incorporated the Sammy Rabbit and his money management for kids program and products into its DOD Financial Readiness Campaign. So now, Sammy’s message of financial empowerment is spreading to military kids on Army, Navy, and Marine Corps bases, too.
Sammy Rabbit at
Hanscom AFB on August 19
Sammy Rabbit will be bringing his special brand of entertaining money management for kids to Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, on Friday, August 19, 2011. You can meet Sammy Rabbit at the Hanscom Youth Center Gym, at 9:30 a.m.and 1:00 p.m. 5 p.m. at the Minuteman Commons.
FREE Sammy Rabbit Prizes for Our Readers!
In order to reach even more military families with his message of teaching money management for kids and how to save money, Sammy Rabbit was kind enough to send me some goodies to give away as prizes to lucky readers of

Here's how you can enter the drawing for FREE Sammy Rabbit products:
- If you have a Facebook account, log into Facebook, and “Like” both Sammy Rabbit and
- Tweet a link to this page to all your Tweeps, telling them about the Sammy Rabbit prize give-away so they can register, too.
- Then come back here and click on either the “Like” button at the bottom of this page (to like this page) or the “Like” button at the top of the left column (to like the site). If you “like” both, that’s OK, too!
- Then write a comment at the bottom of the page about what you’re hoping to teach your children about money management, and why or how you think Sammy Rabbit can help.
Winners will be chosen based on the comments you submit on this page, so you’ll want to do more than just come back and say, “I liked and tweeted, and I want to win.” Give it your best shot – convince us why your child should win!
We have Sammy Rabbit books and workbooks, which we’ll give as a set, as well as Sammy Rabbit CD’s, coloring books, stickers and posters! That's a lot of loot!
If there’s one sort of prize that wouldn’t really work for your child, let us know that, too, and we’ll consider him/her for a different prize. For example, “My child has a hearing problem, so please consider him/her for something other than the audio CD’s.” Or, “My child has a vision problem, so he/she would get more benefit from the audio CD’s.” Otherwise, we'll award the prizes based strictly on your comments.
We want this to be fun, so be creative! The prize give-away will be open through August 20, 2011, so be sure to send all your military friends who have kids to this page to enter. Prizes are available only to military families, so those whose comments are selected will be asked to verify military status. Anyone who fails to verify military status will be disqualified, and another winner will be selected.
More About Sammy Rabbit’s
Money Management for Kids
Who is Sammy Rabbit? Sammy Rabbit is a bunny created by the Los Angeles-based It’s a Habit Company. Sammy’s favorite good habit is to save money.
Sammy also likes to read, write, sing and dance. And he especially loves to bring joy and laughter to children of all ages by shaking his bunny money tail. Sammy specializes in combining education with entertaining, making learning a fun experience for everyone.
Sammy and The It's a Habit! company are pleased to report their strategies for making financial education fun are working. In order to be effective, concepts must be repeated frequently in different manners and styles. So Sammy uses an interactive, multiple-intelligence strategy that includes stories, songs, activities, and live skits.
In addition to anecdotal evidence from military bases, the program's effectiveness has been demonstrated in the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension landmark research project titled "Parents and Teachers as Wealth Coaches."
The study showed students’ knowledge on key issues such as saving and goal setting increased in several categories. Teachers shared that comprehension improved as well.
Sammy says, "It has been a real honor and joy to assist the Department of Defense and Air Force Aid Society to serve and build up our military families through education and laughter. We have had lots of great memories including meeting Air Force General Norman Schwartz and his wife; celebrating Christmas with families at the Fisher House on Andrews Air Force base thanks to the support of Andrews Federal Credit Union; and of course, lots of hugs, handshakes, and songs with children (both on and off key)!"
Learn more about Sammy Rabbit and It’s a Habit’s mission to change children and family lives one dime at a time by visiting their website. would like to thank Sam X Renick and The It's a Habit! Company for providing prizes to give away to our readers, and for the information and illustrations used for this article.
All illustrations © The It's a Habit! Company, Inc. and used with permission.

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