Military Motherhood Award 2010
It's official. Robin Schoolfield is SuperMom.
The Military Motherhood Award 2010 was presented this week to Robin Schoolfield, a military mom of four and wife of Marine pilot Major Sam Schoolfield. Major Schoolfield is an Osprey pilot stationed at Cherry Point, NC, and currently deployed to Afghanistan.
Operation Homefront and Lockheed Martin sponsored the Military Motherhood Award 2010, which recognizes perseverance, resilience and motherhood. The award was presented by actress Wendy Davis of the television series "Army Wives."
Robin was selected from a field of nearly 600 military moms nominated from around the globe. She was nominated by her parents and sister for the award. Robin won for her charitable work, her commitment to furthering her education, and her caring for her four children while their father is away.
The award was presented May 6 at a special luncheon in Washington, DC, sponsored by TriWest Healthcare Alliance. It includes a cash award of $5,000.
But Robin's favorite part of the award? A surprise appearance by her husband, who slipped in a side door as the emcee explained that he was in Afghanistan and therefore unable to attend. He was granted special leave to be present for the ceremony, and will be here to share a very special Mother's Day with Robin and their four children, Sam (11), Jack (10), Abe (7), and Scarlett (6), a special needs child on the autism spectrum, who was adopted from Russia.
In her 15 years as a Marine Corps wife, Robin has moved with her husband nine times (twice while eight months pregnant), and kept the home fires burning through five deployments. As if taking care of four children while her husband is deployed weren't enough of a challenge, Robin has recently earned her master's degree in adult education, runs marathons, and made a "deployment" of her own when she spent a summer teaching in Sierra Leone, Africa, where she intends to return soon. Robin also serves as a mentor to other Marine wives and provides assistance to Marine families as a family readiness officer at Cherry Point.
During each of her husband's deployments, Robin has chosen a new challenge to complete while he is away. This time, she's taking flying lessons to get her civilian pilot's license. Her goal is for the two of them to fly together, with her at the controls.
Robin's philosophy of motherhood:
Live life and be the person you want your kids to be, and show them how to be that person.
What better gift could a mother give her children?
Congratulations to Robin and all the nominees for the Military Motherhood Award 2010. And Happy Mother's Day to military moms around the globe, whose role in creating a stable home life for military families helps to make the world a better place for all our children.

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