May God walk with you During your Endeavors

by B. "Davy" Davidson
(South Carolina)

Davy writes:

I'm an old man of 68 now, but I can remember the day I headed off to Boot Camp just like yesterday.

I remember the day I retired from the Military as well.

I pray your life will be as rewarding as mine has been and that our living God will walk with you on every mission.

Thank you....

Comments for May God walk with you During your Endeavors

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Gettin' better with age
by: Joe B.

First of all you're not old at 68, at least that's how I see it at 65.

I can still remember getting off the bus and standing on those yellow foot prints. I only put in 4 years including a tour in Nam, but a lot of those days are crystal clear, unlike other areas of my life.

I have been blessed with a great wife for 40 years and a daughter who is always there when we need her.

Thanks for your service.

Davy and Joe,

Thanks to both of you for your service.

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