Home Depot Military Discounts

by Omar Baumann - Retired Army
(South Houston, TX)

My son was told by the Home Depot in Mount Vernon, Washington, that military discounts were only honored on most holidays.

I sent a letter to the CEO at Home Depot and after numerous times of trying to contact the person that replied, I finally received a response today. She verified that only holidays were military discount days.

I sent a reply stating that they would be losing a lot of military business when the word got around, since Lowe's gives a discount every day.

I also told them the Home Depot that I shop at has always given me a discount anytime, everytime.

If you would like the email I received from Home Depot, I would be glad to send it to you.

Mr. Baumann, thank you for your service. And thank you for letting us know that Home Depot corporate has confirmed that company policy is to offer the military discount only on major holidays.

Apparently, this is at the store managers' discretion, and the manager of your store seems to be more astute than some. I'm happy to hear that you've been able to receive the discount at other times.

This is just one of many reasons we shop at Lowe's rather than Home Depot. We snagged a very good deal on a washer, dryer and refrigerator a couple of years ago, and got the military discount (cheerfully given) on top of a great sale price! Thank you, Lowe's!

If you still have the e-mail from Home Depot, I'd be happy to publish it. You can e-mail it by forwarding it to the address on the notification e-mail you received from us with a link to this page, or by clicking reply and attaching it to your reply (by copy and paste).

Comments for Home Depot Military Discounts

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Lowe's military isn't all cracked up to be
by: Anonymous

Lowe's does offer military discount every day, but is very picky on letting you use it! I've never been issued a military id, but do have an insurance ID card that I could only get if I were military!

Lowe's didn't care even when I called customer service to express concern! They just said policy is policy!

So people with coupon ahead of me, got cheaper than me even if they had allowed me to use it!

I was also told it's at store level discretion! But again, service we did for country must not mean too much for Lowe's!

I will be patronizing Home Depot from here out for my 2 homes and 8 rental properties!

Anon, you've made several confusing comments.

You mention that you have never been issued a military ID. That would have to mean that you never served in the military. Is that what you meant?

Then you say that you have an insurance ID card that you could only have if you were military, but you don't mention which insurance. Several insurance companies that insure military also allow family members who never served in the military to purchase their insurance and thus have an insurance ID card. So that's not valid proof of military service.

That is why the military ID card is required to identify those who served.

Lowe's policy, as with most merchants who offer a military discount, is to extend the discount to those with a valid military ID. If you don't have a valid military ID, you are not eligible for the discount.

As for someone in line with a coupon getting a lower price, why not go get your own coupon - they usually have flyers in the front of the store.

I have always been given the military discount, with a smile, at my local Lowe's. I even bought a washer and dryer at half price, and a refrigerator at a deep discount, and they still gave me the military discount on top of the sale price.

Thanks for commenting.

Home Depot discount
by: Anonymous

I get a 10% vet discount (Vietnam vet) every time I go to home depot. All I do is show my va ID card. No questions asked......from minnesota.

Home Depot vs. Lowe's Military Discount
by: Anonymous

I worked at Home Depot store 4004 in Ore. a few years back, and I worked for a great store manager. Very consumer conscious, he would give discounts if he thought his customers were in the check-out line too long. Always gave military discounts without question.

After moving back to the east coast, I found that he was unique to the HD system. HD corporate is not as much about its customer base as it is about profits.

So I shop mostly at Lowe's and take full advantage of the military discount they offer, which is greater than their business card discount.

Military discount
by: Phil Harrison

I have researched this matter thoroughly. Home Depot gives a discount of 10% to service connected disabled veterans and retirees. There is no corporate policy on a daily discount it is up to each individual store.

It should be noted the Home Depot does a great deal for veterans and veterans groups. I am the commander of the American legion post in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Recently the Home Depot supplied labor and materials to redo the roof on our pavilion. They also provided labor and paint for the same pavilion and gave us five outdoor ceiling fans.

I hear this topic coming up quite often and the Home Depot should not be scolded for not doing enough. They are very much active in helping veterans in many many ways.

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