Heroes on My Mind

by Ana Warner
(Las Vegas, NV)

Ana writes:

Dear Soldiers, Patriots, My Heroes,

I lay awake sometimes thinking about my day. I cant sleep sometimes worrying about our soldiers.

I just want you all to know that I'm eternally grateful for all the sacrifices you and your families have made for us, for me.

Please accept my thanks - it comes from my heart and soul.

Hurry home. Those that have made it home I pray for you as well.

God bless you all.


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I'm Forever Grateful
by: Jodi Lyn Stevens

There are no words deep enough to express.

The true reality of what you have, are, and are strong enough give.

Don't tread on me

Or the guardians of this nation,
our freedom's heartbeat.

Thank you, sincerely.
Jodi Lyn Stevens

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