Follow Your Passion
One of the best bits of career or business advice you'll ever hear is "Follow Your Passion."
What does that mean?
It means that since you will spend much of your adult life working at some pursuit, you should find something to do that you really enjoy, and then figure out how to get paid for doing it.
It's even been called the secret to success.
The biggest mistake
people make in life
is not making a living
at doing what they most enjoy.
- Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990)One thing's for sure: If you enjoy what you're doing, it will seem a lot less like work, and will be infinitely more enjoyable than getting up every day and slogging your way to a job you hate.
Imagine waking up every morning looking forward to going to work! Wouldn't that be a wonderful change?
One of the best ways to find a job working at something you love is to create it. That's right, start your own business (maybe a home-based business) that allows you to do that thing you love, and figure out how to make it support you.
You may be thinking, "Sure, that's easy to say. But what do I know how to do that I could create a business around?"
Well, it could be something as simple as throwing kids' birthday parties. Think it's not possible to support yourself if that's your passion? Elad would beg to differ. Check out his story of success with, which quickly generated enough income to replace his salary and allowed him to "retire" from his "real job" and stay home to play with his three daughters as they grow up. It's a great story, and just goes to prove that you can make a living doing something you love, even if it's something you never thought could be turned into a business.
We'd like to share with you a story from a friend about following your passion.
Gary and Merri Scott are dear friends. They enjoy a global lifestyle, with homes in North Carolina and Ecuador. They spend lots of time with friends, and do what they enjoy. They've also made themselves wealthy by doing it. What do they do? They own and operate an internet publishing business, and publish several different newsletters on different topics for their very loyal group of readers.
They also offer courses, both in North Carolina and Ecuador, on topics that are of interest to them. They teach a course in international business, a course on making investment decisions based on other considerations in addition to logic, a course on Spanish taught in Ecuador, a course in importing goods from Ecuador, and they conduct real estate investment tours in Ecuador.
Their course on self-publishing was part of the inspiration for us to start this web site. The course is available now as a home-study course.
These are not pie-in-the-sky theoretical courses taught by someone who makes his living teaching courses rather than by doing what he's teaching you to do. These are real-life, down-to-earth, practical courses, taught by someone who does what he's teaching you about and has the wisdom of experience to share. We've attended several of their courses, both in North Carolina and Ecuador, and we highly recommend them. In fact, they provide some of the best value around and are very reasonably priced.
Gary recently shared this story with his readers, and with his permission, we're sharing it with you.
"[Our daughter] Eleanor is just 27 but has already built a very successful London-based business that not only provides her a six-figure income, but gives her the freedom to travel the world. This last year, she visited us twice in the US, plus spent time in China enjoying the Olympics and made numerous other trips. She has over four months of each year to travel wherever she desires…and earn as she goes.While she was last with us, we had a great deal of time to talk and she surprised me by sharing a valuable lesson about business. The first lesson came when she was telling me about her latest efforts at getting auditions and roles in London West End shows for some of her students. Ele owns a performing arts school in London that teaches dancing, drama and singing. Ele’s school is a franchised operation -- one of about 600. She is one of the youngest owners, yet has one of the top ten busiest schools. One reason for her success is the enormous energy and passion she puts into her business. Another reason for her success is that she has a growing reputation for getting her students professional roles in the London theater. She currently has eight of her students working in London’s West End. - Two are in The Sound of Music at the London Palladium on Argyll Street.
- Two are in Rodgers' and Hammerstein’s Carousel at the Savoy on the Strand.
- One is in Disney’s Lion King, at the Lyceum Theatre on Wellington Street.
- One is in Les Miserables at the Queen’s Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue.
I was a bit surprised at this success and asked her "What is your trick?" She replied: "This is very simple. I give the children who have extra talent free lessons. I bring them to my home and work with them there." When I questioned the wisdom of giving away her services as being part of a good business model, she replied: "This is not about the money, Dad. The thrill of hearing those kids when they call me and tell me they were selected is worth every minute I put into this. I love those calls so much, I am happy to devote my time and effort." This is the secret. Do what you love and figure out how to make money in the process. In Ele’s case, she has profited indirectly -- but the profit is not the purpose. This is a matter of fulfillment and of the heart. |
You may instantly know what your passion is. If you ask my husband, his passion is aviation. But if you are like me, and are interested in a variety of things, you may have trouble identifying your passion. If you have that problem, ask your family and friends, "What do you think my passion is? What do I spend the most time talking excitedly about?"
Once you've defined on your passion, let us help you figure out how to turn it into a home-based business that will generate income. Continue to watch for more information on the site about various business opportunities that may be of interest to you. We've spent a number of years and tens of thousands of dollars researching business opportunities and resources we can recommend to you, and we'll only recommend products that we believe offer real value for your investment.
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