Disgusted with Val Kilmer

by Pilgrim


Let me begin by saying I am not American, nor a Vietnam Veteran.

However, I am a veteran of my country's armed forces. I also have American and Australian friends who are Vietnam Veterans; my mentor and role model while in service was a three-Vietnam- tour Australian, now also a successful entrepreneur.

As such, I am disgusted by your remarks.

You will never know the grinding fear of being on operations, the heavy responsibilities of leading men, the deep joy of coming home in one piece nor the sense of loss when friends fall.

I shall be forwarding the above article to my veteran friends who happen to live in New Mexico.


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Feb 06, 2009
by: Lee

I am so sick and tired of some of these self-centered actors professing to be experts on nearly everything. Simply put, their "skill" is merely being good at pretending that they are someone else. That is worth the fame and megabucks that they receive?

I enjoy good acting, like everyone else, but it is a career that does not automatically make one an expert on anything else. The truly great ones understood that. The Val Kilmers, Jane Fondas, and Sean Penns do/did not.

Feb 09, 2009
Attention Val
by: chuck

You stating that you were better suited to portray an American vet than a vet is able to? Let me give you a small hint - NOT.

You have never seen action of that caliber. You have not lost a friend while he was sitting next to you and I'll bet you haven't ever sat in mud for days on end waiting for that one moment in time that would define your life in any form.

Your Largest claim to any form of fame is on the screen. Well many of the young men that go into any war would rather not. They do it out of duty for the country they serve. I have the utmost respect for any man willing to lay down his life for the defense of a belief or moral purpose and the utmost disrespect for those who feel that there are better to judge than stand and defend.

I only wish you understood what real courage was, and it isn't to make others look small at your leisure. Please understand that your form of disrespect is slowly eroding what we stand for, which is the freedom of all people.

I could elaborate a lot of things but I must contain my self. When I chose to fight, it wasn't for money or fame, but for the principle that all men have the same right as I do and if it were with in my powers to assist them in any way I should and I did.

You only assure me that the battle isn't over yet.

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