Berkeley Marines Update
If you've been following the "Berkeley Marines" situation with us, and the other counter-recruitment nonsense across the country, we think you'll enjoy this video report aired by The Daily Show.
In a victory reported by Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward, Code Pink and the City of Berkeley were once again made forcefully aware that there are serious patriots in America today who will not sit silently by while our service members are attacked, either physically or verbally. Funny how Code Pink only wants Freedom of Speech to be theirs.
by Melanie Morgan
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Despite the massive heat wave rolling through the San Francisco Bay Area, (temperatures nearly 100 in Berkeley where it rarely cracks 65) hundreds of bikers from all around the western part of the United States rumbled through the East Bay Saturday to stand in solidarity with the United States Marine Corps, under attack from anarchists to cross-dressing she/he's from Code Pink.

(KCBS report here.)
GREAT posting from
As I pulled up to Shattuck Square, I was on the phone with nationally-syndicated talk show host Monica Crowley, doing a live broadcast about Thunder Strike from EaglesUp and other pro-troopers...rounding the corner in my big honkin' SUV and nearly ran over the orange-clad jumpsuit crowd (you know, the guys at World Can't Wait, who think that we are being sooo mean to terrorists at Gitmo.)
Chronicle photos by Kurt Rogers

I was surprised to hear the name-calling that began as soon as they caught sight of me in my cammo t-shirt and jeans. "Melanie Morgan loves war! Melanie Morgan supports rape! Melanie Morgan supports torture."
Geez, I was so pleased. Think of it -- the honor [?] of being heckled by some of the most notorious anti-American, violence-prone, George-Soros-funded groups on the political stage today.
The World Can't Wait freaks immediately violated their permits and surrounded our folks from EaglesUp, marching around, pushing and shoving. But the Berkeley cops were having none of it! They immediately forced the commie crowd out of our space, and kept them separated from us. There were about 30 of them...and several hundred of us. Yes, WE CAN! Yes, WE DID!
Doug Lyvere once again put together an outstanding presentation, and even Jim Robinson and his wife from came out in the heat. Jim is recovering from a leg amputation, and it was a wonderful surprise to see him there. The Lafayette Flag Brigade was front and center, and many thanks to Jim Minder and sons for the audio set-up.
Gold Star parents Diane Layfield, Mark Crowley and his new bride, as well as Mike Anderson, Sr. stood proudly with the patriots.
After Diana Nagy, the tiny girl with the huge voice sang the National Anthem, I took to the stage (actually the back of an antique truck aptly named Sweaty Betty) and announced some fantastic news.
Put another way -- Pro-troops groups WIN -- Code Pinko LOSES...!
More coverage here from
Sister Toldjah just cross-linked here.
It was an awesome day. Congratulations to everyone who took a stand today, and waved the red, white, and blue.
(An aside - I want to personally thank the two Berkeley police officers who escorted Diana Nagy and me to our cars after the pro-troop rally was over. One officer (who shall remain nameless) and I got off to a rocky start at the beginning of the protests back in February. I was touched that he ensured my safety through the nutball crowd, hard feelings forgotten. Thank you Berkeley P.D. !!!)
A final word from Doug Lyvere, who emailed me today with a few thoughts.
"I just wanted to tell each of you "Thank you" for your support and work on the Berkeley Missions. It might not seem like a lot to some, but we had a pretty good victory in many ways. We got the attention of the anti war groups (what I call the anti-peace groups), we got the attention of the City Council, and we got the attention of our fellow vets.
Our fellow vets learned that if you stand up for something, have Troop Support Missions, show a strong front, and follow up, YOU can make a difference. The City Council and the moon bats found that they can not go unopposed with their ridiculous and insulting actions.
I'm not foolish enough to think that the City Council folded ONLY due to our actions, nor do I think that the moon bats will slink back to their holes and never be seen again. But they will look to see if there are any Patriots around - they are aware that their days are numbered. The City Council is aware that they need to at least look at what they do - many Berkeley residents and businesses expressed their displeasure. Both groups, moon bats and the Council, might try to delude them selves into just fluffing us off, but they can't.
The moon bats numbers are dropping, their attendance is dropping, resolve is sliding away (or should I say, sliming away).
So again, to my fellow Vets, THANK YOU, for your support and service. To my fellow Patriots, THANK YOU, for your support and efforts. And to the men and woman serving our nation, SEMPER FIDELIS, and THANK YOU.
A very humble,
Doug Lyvere
SgtMaj, Marine ret
Director, Western Operations, Eagles Up"
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