30 Days to Taking Command of Your Finances! |
"Are You Tired of Feeling POOR
on Your Military Paycheck?"

Sick of worrying
whether your money will last through the month?
What if I told you that you don’t have to feel poor just because you’re living on a military paycheck?
What if I could show you how to manage that paycheck to cover the basics and have a more comfortable, fulfilling life – the life you deserve?
We all know that freedom isn't free . . . but the price of freedom should not include military families struggling to make ends meet on their military paychecks.
Do you worry every month that your money won't last till the end of the month? That's a horrible feeling, and the unrelenting stress it causes can wreck your marriage, your life and your health.
But you don't have to live that way.
As a Navy JAG offering Legal Assistance, I helped many military families with financial challenges, and I learned that many times, their struggles were due to a lack of money management knowledge and skills. So, after I separated from active duty, I decided to spread awareness of money management skills to as many military families as possible.
You've probably heard that the first step towards getting control of your money, rather than having it control you, is to create and live within a budget.
To that, I say:
In my revolutionary new guide for military families, "Never Feel Poor Again on Your Military Paycheck," you'll learn how to:
- Find out where your money is really going!
- Develop your vision and goals for your financial future
- Identify unrecognized leaks in your money bucket, and figure out how to plug them
- Set up a Spending Plan to help keep you on track financially
- Find cash to start paying down your debt!
- Even improve your sex life!
Nope, I'm not kidding with that last one.
What would it be worth to your family to stop that seemingly never-ending spiral down into the debt trap? To know that you had a plan in place to not only cover your bills, but also to start saving for your future? How much would that peace of mind be worth?
Arguably, the improvement in your health because of the reduction in stress is priceless. Not to mention the increase in your happiness.
I'm publishing this guide to say "thank you" to all who have served. And I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
To show my appreciation to those who have served, as well as those serving now, I've slashed the price to make sure that every military family can afford it, and to say "Thank You."
At this price, you truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain by grabbing your copy now, and putting your family on the path to financial freedom.


for a limited time only!
Get your copy NOW, and be on your way to taking command of your finances in the next 30 days!!
Bonus #1: Monthly Spending Plan Spreadsheet
Use this Excel spreadsheet to stay on track to reach your monthly, yearly and long-term financial goals.
- Track your monthly income and expenses (planned vs. actual), and use the difference to help you create a better spending plan for the next month.
Bonus #2: Monthly Bill Tracker
This unique bill tracker spreadsheet provides you with a great overview of all your monthly bills, and helps you make sure they get paid every month.
It keeps all the relevant information handy, so you can see at a glance, all on one sheet:
- total balance and minimum payment due for each account;
- due dates for each payment;
- whether you've received all the monthly statements you should have, so none accidentally go unpaid (mail does sometimes get lost or misdirected); and
- whether each bill has been paid yet that month.
It comes in really handy if you have to get on the phone and argue with someone about a bill being paid ("Well, my records show it was paid on 9/18 by check #2552").
So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this HUGE 63% discount!
Click the "Buy Now" button and get yours right now, before this special discount expires!